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Business Coaching for The Professional (2 of 17) Purpose

Introduction to the Series

Business fundamentals have been the same since the beginning of commerce. The true fundamentals are not anything you do; as some type of technique, although 'doing' is in the nature of a professional. The real fundamentals are who you are, and who you become.

Since I'm a big fan of series, I want to introduce you to 17 principles in developing unshakable character. These principles will contribute to great professional success.

The Greatest Benefit

 In order to receive the greatest benefit from this series: after being introduced to the character or behavioral principles, think on paper of how you can apply it in your current environment.

Don't fall into the trap of 'I already do that.' evaluate how the principle can be used more in your life. The focus is 100% saturation of each principle before moving on. Aim to have congruence of character.

The Second Principle is Attitudinal:

The principle that affects the fervor in which a professional works is called purpose. The deeper the meaning you derive from your life and work, the greater the hope you will have, and the deeper the contribution you will make in the lives of others. If nothing else the entrepreneur strives on the hope of a better tomorrow.

Purpose and Service:

A true professional knows that purpose is always in the service of others.  Your purpose is not based on what you receive, but what you have the opportunity to give. It is what you give that entitles you to receiving. A professional starts a business or career in the hope that in the process she will receive something greater than what she puts in. Labor is the seed going into the fertile soil; which is the world of commerce.

What is the purpose of your life? (In exact detail)
What is the purpose of your work? (In exact detail)
What is the purpose of your business? (In exact detail)

Don't settle for the first thing that comes to mind.  Don't say what you think or feel people's impressions are of these three key areas.  Do some soul searching, write it down, then rewrite it, and rewrite it again.  Even if you think you know what your purpose is rethink it! Get passionate, put a new spin on it, tie it into who you are, and to those things in life and in business that bring you the greatest joy, feelings of contribution, and satisfaction. 

Purpose and Branding

Creating a purpose for your business has a way of branding you and making your voice stand out from the hundreds of thousands of businesses that are attempting to interest the same consumer as you. Purpose is branding. Purpose will give your voice personality and depth of character.

When thinking about the company purpose engage others, in the conversation; employees, partners, customers, and investors. Let your company culture ring through your vision statement. Don't settle for some mediocre concept: Our Purpose is to Provide a Great Service, Our Purpose is to be the Best...(WHATEVER), or Our Purpose is to provide Great Customer Service. - THIS IS CRAP!

Go deeper into your soul, what do you stand for?

If you are asking how do you define such a broad concept? Answer the following questions.

What are you passionate about?
What is uniquely your signature?
Is it the way you strategize?
Is it the way you communicate?
Is it your vision?
What unique gifts and passions are you keeping outside of your business?
How could you tie your unique passions and gifts into your business or work?

Purpose and passion bring a sense of play back into our lives. Your business should work as an extension of your life.

Do Me a Favor:

Don't settle for a business, but create a movement!
Identify your purpose
Identify your unique passions and gifts
Rethink your business model…and perhaps rethink how you have been living your life.

Having your FREE evaluation with a business coach is a $500 value.

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