Business fundamentals have been the same since the beginning of commerce. The true fundamentals are not anything you do; as some type of technique, although 'doing' is in the nature of a professional. The real fundamentals are who you are, and who you become.
Since I'm a big fan of series, I want to introduce you to 17 principles in developing unshakable character. These principles will contribute to great professional successes.
The Greatest Benefit
In order to receive the greatest benefit from this series: after being introduced to the character or behavioral principles, think on paper of how you can apply it in your current environment.
Don't fall in the trap of 'I already do that.' evaluate how the principle can be used more in your life. The focus is 100% saturation of each principle before moving on. Aim to have congruence of character.
The first Principle is Attitudinal:
Positive Mental Attitude: 'As your perception of a thing changes the very nature of that thing changes.'
All intraprenuers and entrepreneurs have an attitude that is absolutely unshakable. Positive self-discussion is where we must begin. The model I like to refer to is 'GIGO'; garbage in garbage out.
What are you pouring into your mind?
(What is in the well will come out of the bucket.)
What do you read?
What do you listen to?
What do you watch?
Is what you surround yourself with positive?
How can you nurture more of a positive mindset?
Who do you need to distance yourself from?
You must look at difficult times with a sense of curiosity and ask 'what is life attempting to teach me at this moment?', while working to improve yourself. '
We are transformed by the renewing of our minds'. If you want a better life, relationship, career, business put new things in your brain. Build new habits of attitude.
You must know with out a shadow of a doubt that you are a winner. That things happen for your purpose, and that life is conspiring to make you successful, and to hand you the life you always wanted.
My Challenge for You:
Start by getting a little note pad and monitor (observe) how many negative thoughts you have through out the day. Give yourself a mark on the note pad, each time you have a disempowering thought; this should include negative self-talk in the form of doubt, insecurities, self-criticism and negative thoughts toward others.
Why you should pay attention of negative thoughts and emotions you have of others? We tend to judge others based on judgments of ourselves first. So how you feel about others is a reflection of how you feel about yourself.
Next, commit to a 6 month mental fast and only watch, read, and listen to things that are going to nurture your mind and edifying your soul. With everything around you ask: Is this disempowering? or Empowering? Does it move me closer to my goals or further away? if the answer is empowering figure a way to get more of it in your life. If the answer is disempowering, find a way to remove it from your life.
A bit of Advice:
Finally, friends, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is fair, whatever is pure, whatever is acceptable, whatever is commendable, if there is anything of excellence and if there is anything praiseworthy-keep thinking about these things. - St. Paul
Everyday compare your attitudes of mind against this statement. Don't forget to make a study out of being happy.
"What the mind of man can conceive and believe the mind of man can achieve with PMA.
- W. Clement Stone
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