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The Spiritual CEO: Insight (Part 1c)

Executive Coaching and Spirituality

By Santi Chacon
Executive Coach

As her organization grows and establishes a track record it begs for the attention and interest of customers and investors. She begins the 'IPO' conversation with her board of directors. She earns a high six figure income annually and will soon become a multi-millionaire after the IPO. Working 16 hour days, she strives to maximize her business potential; taking every competitive advantage to make her enterprise the best in the market.

She has worked hard to shield herself from the cold elements of current economic conditions. Lifting herself from poverty to success. Building a hedge or financial fortress that will only grow stronger with time. It is now when the seduction of power presses in and torments her ego.

Every moment of the day she has a choice to be spiritual and to humble herself in the light of right decisions. She can choose money over humility, again every moment is given her to embrace her own salvation and to remember who she is in light of her creator. She simply needs to close her eyes and remember there is a moral standard that wasn't created by the world. These ethical standards were established to protect her from herself.

A Standard For Morality

Jesus: Do not think that I have come to do away with or undo the Law or the Prophets; I have come not to do away with or undo but to complete and fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until the sky and earth pass away and perish, not one smallest letter nor one little hook [identifying certain Hebrew letters] will pass from the Law until all things [it foreshadows] are accomplished. Whoever then breaks or does away with or relaxes one of the least [important] of these commandments and teaches men so shall be called least [important] in the kingdom of heaven, but he who practices them and teaches others to do so shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you, unless your righteousness (your uprightness and your right standing with God) is more than that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

The Torah As A Point Of Reference

Jesus makes reference to the Law (The Ten Commandments) and the Profits, which is a reference to the Jewish Law (Torah). The Torah or Law is central to Judaism. Jesus submited his ego to promote something he believed was greater then himself. He promoted the Law or morality as being central toward a new spirituality, as did every writer of the New Testament.

The Gift Of Reciprocity

The second inference that Jesus makes is the integrity of the word of God (or Torah), and his commitment to reward those who hold to the Law. Spirituality is not the reward but a life of contentment and abundance is. The reward is what true spirituality will provide those who practice its' tenants and understand its implications. 

We Teach What We Practice

Jesus brings two concepts together, which are practice and teach: You have been asked to take me [Jesus] as your model for learning, since an extreme example is a particularly helpful learning device. Everyone teaches, and teaches all the time. This is a responsibility you inevitably assume the moment you accept any premise at all, and no one can organise his life without some thought system. Once you have developed a thought system of any kind, you live by it and teach it. Your capacity for allegiance to a thought system may be misplaced, but it is still a form of faith and can be redirected.


By the virtue of practicing you will teach those around you to act ethically. As you are confronted by choices people are always on the sidelines, either they can witness your integrity or errors in judgment. Regardless of who you think is  or is not witnessing  the unfolding of events just be certain someone is.

Escape From The Ego

The ego has built a shabby and un-sheltering home for you, because it cannot build otherwise. Do not try to make this impoverished house stand. Its weakness is your strength. Only God could make a home that is worthy of His creations, who have chosen to leave it empty by their own dispossession. Yet His home will stand forever, and is ready for you when you choose to enter it. Of this you can be wholly certain. God is as incapable of creating the perishable as the ego is of making the eternal.

Of your ego you can do nothing to save yourself or others, but of your spirit you can do everything for the salvation of both. Humility is a lesson for the ego, not for the spirit. Spirit is beyond humility, because it recognizes its radiance and gladly sheds its light everywhere. The meek shall inherit the earth because their egos are humble, and this gives them truer perception. The Kingdom of Heaven is the spirit's right, whose beauty and dignity are far beyond doubt, beyond perception, and stand forever as the mark of the Love of God for His creations, who are wholly worthy of Him and only of Him. Nothing else is sufficiently worthy to be a gift for a creation of God Himself.


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