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Sales Development: Be The Student

Business Coaching and Sales Development

By: Santi Chacon
Business Coach


In this discussion I will give you principles and guidelines for the sales process. What I want to ask of you in return is for you to go over these principles more than once to decide on the implications they have on your business, and write them down. This information will cause you to think about how you should position yourself when conducting a sales campaign.

I should add that a dominating factor in this part of Sales Development Basics series is business to business sales vs. business to consumer; nonetheless I know this will be invaluable to anyone looking to develop a sales pipeline for their business. 


The sales development ideas that will be presented have assisted millions of professionals in developing effective sales funnels and in turn have contributed to the world’s largest organizations. There are four sales mythologies I draw my ideals from: strategic selling, conceptual selling, spin selling, and solution selling. With these tips I am only scratching the surface.

Principle #2 Be The Student:

Sales development is the understanding and application of effective behavioral principles. To be an effective sales person we need to question our behavioral habits and its' effectiveness against proven  mental models. This series although not holistic will provide insight that will assist executives in being more productive sales professionals. The executives who must move their products or services have an opportunity to transform the business. 

I want to ask for you to read through this series more than once.  Decide on the inferences and implications these sales principles have on your sales success and document your thoughts. This call to action will cause you to examine your sales process and sales effectiveness. 

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