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Miller Heiman: The Sales Management Trap Part 3

The Example They Need

Coaching is hard. It’s not always simple for a sales manager to position themselves as the subject matter expert. When precedents for coaching haven’t been set, the “how” of coaching hasn’t been outlined or the executives haven’t set a solid coaching example, it’s easy for a manager to slip into something easier: selling. Add to that the sheer number of variables that exist and managers can easily put coaching on the backburner.

“Sometimes it stems from the manager’s simple lack of understanding of how to coach,” says Call. “The company should be looking at how they can remedy that. You don’t want the manager to figure it all out through trial and error.”

Call advocates that managers should be coached by executives the same way they are expected to coach their salespeople. Share management best practices with other managers in the organization.

As it is with most successful initiatives, the executive leadership is the driving force behind creating the environments that allow sales managers to grow the sales force’s capabilities. Priorities need to be clearly communicated so there is no ambiguity around which areas should receive focused attention and which can be sidelined until there’s more time. It’s the role of the executive team to eliminate the distractions, remedy the environment and demonstrate how managers should coach.

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