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Miller Heiman: The Sales Management Trap Part 1

Posted By: Santi Chacon
Business Coach

Tim Call

Why It’s So Hard to Escape the Selling Mentality

As many sales managers have come into their position after performing as top-ranking salespeople, is it any surprise that they revert to what they know best when the pressure heats up? The Lament of Today’s Sales Organization. It sounds like a broken record these days: “Do more with less, do more with less,” but it’s a reality for sales organizations that are challenged to grow the business without adding resources. Growth must be organic – and it often has to be accomplished with a fraction of the work force. To organically grow revenue, there needs to be growth in the existing sales force’s abilities. The most typical, cost-effective way to achieve this goal is to enable sales managers with the right tools and environment to develop the sales force to win more business independently.

It’s imperative to start with the right person, as the responsibilities of front-line management require a significant shift in focus from a sales role. It’s all too easy to forego the aspects of the job that are hard to do in favor of picking the sales hat back up.

“The best managers are those who say ‘I’m good at what I do, but there are other aspects of my career that I’d like to develop,’” says Tim Call, executive vice president of Miller Heiman. He notes that a prime sales management candidate is the individual who is willing to give up a piece of him or herself to watch others succeed.

Sales managers have to carve out time from a packed-tight day to adhere to process, ensure the right selling activities are taking place, communicate with direct reports, clients and leadership above, procure resources for the team… the list goes on. But of those activities, coaching can have the greatest impact because it creates scale within the organization and helps develop the sales team’s capabilities.

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