Relationship Coaching
Has your relationship grown cool or even cold?
Do you remember when you first fell in love … how you couldn’t wait to be together? You couldn’t get enough of each other. Somehow time seems to have cooled your relationship, perhaps even caused a chill! You still love each other, but somehow the passion has slipped away. The good news is that that’s not normal and the great news is that those old feelings can and should be recaptured. Time should not cool your romance and relationship … time should strengthen your bonds and needs for each other. If this paragraph has described any part of your relationship, Relationship Coaching can help return your passions and may well be necessary to save your relationship.
Who needs Relationship Coaching?
- Couples who have lost their ability to communicate easily.
- Couples who have seen their passion for each other cool.
- Couples who lost some of their sexual attraction for each other.
- Couples who no longer feel the need to be together.
- Couples who are considering separation or divorce.
- Couples who are suffering the aftermath of infidelity.
- Couples who want to save a fragile marriage but need help.
- Couples who want to recapture the feelings they once had for each other.
- Couples whose relationships are not strengthening, growing deeper and warming with time.
- Couples, whose sexual relationships have cooled, become routine and chore-like over the years. Sex in the Golden Years should be the best sex ever.
- Relationship Coaching will benefit individuals and couples seeking greater intimacy, stronger relationships and wanting to gain maximum pleasure and satisfaction from their sexual activities.
Relationship Coaching is a relatively new profession dedicated to helping individuals and couples achieve their highest Relationship potential and sexual pleasure and satisfaction. It differs from other forms of therapy in that it is client goal oriented and thus realizes your goals much faster than insight and analysis oriented therapies. It is in fact so effective that many psychotherapists have adapted Relationship Coaching methods into their own practices. In Relationship Coaching the focus is on how to make it better rather than why it isn’t working well.
For most of these problems three to six sessions will be all that are necessary for resolution.
To begin there is a free phone interview from 20 to 30 minutes in which we will define your problems and your goals will be established. At that time we will determine how many sessions reaching your goals should take and an estimated price will be set.
Emotional Intelligence
Developing higher levels of Emotional Intelligence has been proven to be the single most powerful contributor to advancing your career, professional and personal relationships, and overall happiness.
Emotional Intelligence EI is a relatively recent behavioral model, rising ot prominence with Daniel Golema's 1995 book called 'Emotional Intelligence'. The early Emotional Intelligence theory was originally developed during the 1970s and 80s by the work and writings of psychologists Howard Gardner (Harvard), Peter Salovey (Yale) and John Mayer (New Hampshire). Emotional Intelligence is increasingly relevant to organizational development and developing people because the EI principles provide a new way to understand and assess people's behaviors, management styles, attitudes, interpersonal skills, and potential. Emotional Intelligence is an important consideration in human resources planning, job profiling, recruitment interviewing and selection, management development, customer relations and customer service, and more.
Emotional Intelligence links strongly with concepts of love and spirituality, bringing compassion and humanity to work, and also to 'Multiple Intelligence' theory which illustrates and measures the range of capabilities people possess and the fact that everybody has a value.
The EQ concept argues that IQ, or conventional intelligenvce is too narrow; that there are wider areas of emotional intelligence that dictate and enable hopw successful we are. Success requires more than IQ (Intelligence QUotient) which has tended ot be the traditional measure of intelligence, ignoring essential behavioral and character elements. We've all met people who are academically brilliant and yet are socially and inter-personally inept. And we know that despite possessing a high IQ rating, success does not automatically follow.
This is the Essential Premise of EI
To be successful requires the effective awareness, control and management of one's own emotions, and those of other people. Emotional Intelligence embraces and draws from numerous other branches of behavioral, emotional and communications theories. By developing our Emotional Intelligencve in the five EI domains we can become more productive and successful too. The process and outcomes of Emotional Intelligence development also contain many elements known to reduce stress for individuals and organizations, by decreasing conflict, improving relationships and understanding, and increasing stability, continuity and harmony.
Emotional Intelligence
Five Domains; together we will identify and integrate the following principles and attributes to your life style.
- Knowing Your Emotions
- Managing Your Own Emotions
- Motivating Yourself
- Recognizing and Understanding Other people's Emotions
- Managing Relationships
Those who want the best results work with a personal trainer. We are the personal trainers for people who want to fall in love. My mission is to give intelligent, successful, motivated people like you the tools to create, attract and keep the relationship that you desire.
No matter how bright you are, no matter how old you are, no matter how much you know yourself, you still have blind spots. We all do. Dating coaching is about shining the light on those blind spots. It's about understanding the opposite sex and developing a greater sense of self-awareness. It's about figuring out what's holding you back, and moving you forward without obstacles.
Keep reading to learn about what it’s like to work with me as your dating coach.
(Hint: it's fun, exciting, and life-changing, but don't let me bias you in any way.)
Who are Our Typical Clients?
Smart. Successful. Good catches. Frustrated at dating. Confused about the opposite sex. Serious about finding a long-term relationship. Lots of love to give but no one to give it to. Wondering if there's something they can do differently.
The majority of my clients are intelligent career women, 35-55. But I've coached both 23-year-old male virgins and 76-year-old widowers to success. If you are struggling with dating and relationships, and you're serious about getting different results, We can help you.
So let's say we want to work with you. How long should we continue to talk?
As much as I'd like to wave my magic wand and hand you a life partner, coaching is a process. To get the optimum results, we talk weekly for approximately three months. You will see results within the first month.
Really? It works that fast?
It works that fast. Sometimes the difference between despair and success is just one piece of information, one shift in perspective that alters your entire life.
Sounds great. But what kind of information are we talking about? Give me a little taste here...
Fair enough.
Where we start depends entirely on your circumstances:
- If you don't meet enough people in real life, I'll help you attract the highest quality people online and show you how to successfully flirt in "real life".
- If you never find anybody you meet to be desirable, I'll illustrate how you can create more opportunities to connect wherever you go.
- If you don't get second dates with the men you like the most, I'll coach you on understanding how you come across to the opposite sex.
- If you're trying to figure out how to get a guy, I'll show you how it's not actually about making the guy like you…but about being the woman that no man can resist.
- If you're consistently attracted to emotionally unavailable partners, I'll introduce a new decision making process designed to empower you and break your old patterns.
To make sure you get access to this one-of-a-kind coaching material, choose the option that best describes the kind of personal attention that you desire.
By taking control of your own destiny, uncovering your blind spots, and learning how men think, you will have instant power and control over your love life. Better yet, you’ll have internal peace in knowing that you’re going to make all the right decisions in your future relationships.
To get access to this one-of-a-kind coaching material, choose the option that best describes the kind of personal attention that you desire.
Sexual Coaching
Sexual Coaching can benefit individuals and couples seeking greater intimacy, stronger relationships and wanting to gain maximum pleasure and satisfaction from their sexual activities.
After Sexual Coaching
- You will have a clear vision of the sex life that will be fulfilling for you and how to achieve it.
- You’ll be able to achieve better female orgasms and multiple orgasms; cure male premature ejaculation and advance to male multiple orgasms.
- You will be able to share your sexual needs and desires with your partner and be able to understand your partner’s needs.
- Bringing sex toys into your sex life and use them to enhance your relationship.
- You will learn skills needed to create and sustain an intimate sexual relationship, feel competent to pleasure yourself and your partner; learn how to enrich and empower your sex life; gain sexual confidence, learn to identify your own special sexual and emotional needs and how to get those needs met.
- You’ll learn to balance the non-sexual aspects of your intimate relationship so that you are both getting your emotional needs satisfied.
- You’ll develop effective and important communication skills essential to a healthy relationship; to maintain or reigniting yours and your partner’s passions.
- You’ll improve your lovemaking skills and learn new techniques and positions and increase intimacy. You’ll learn to communicate erotically with your lover.
- You’ll overcome sexual shame and inhibitions, get over sexual performance concerns and become an incredible lover.
- Learn how to get maximum benefit from your fantasies.
- We’ll help, if needed to heal infidelity wounds.
- Determine the cause of erectile dysfunction and seek its cure.
- The truth is, if you’re not completely satisfied with the lovemaking and intimacy in your relationship sex coaching is for you. Lack of sexual satisfaction can destroy the quality of your relationship and may lead to infidelity. Healthy lovemaking and passion are crucial to your successful relationship.
- Re-ignite the passion and keep it burning. At any age you can and should strive to reach new and electrifying heights in your lovemaking, enjoy great sex again and feel like new lovers, unable to keep your hands off each other.
Women frequently come to Sexual Coaching on their own because they feel problems are more specifically theirs, though sexual and relationship problems are seldom only one partner’s problems or fault. Situations which bring women to sexual coaching include the inability to reach orgasm with a partner or alone or desiring to have more intense or multiple orgasms and seeking to have G-Spot orgasms. Other women feel they lack the skills to be a successful lover. Relationship conflicts and the lack of communication skills and an inability to express to their partners what their needs and desires are bring others to Sexual Coaching. Having painful sex, cyclic or during menopause or lack of sexual desire is a frequent concern of women.
Most of these problems can be quickly resolved!
For most of these problems three to six sessions will be all that are necessary for resolution. Psychotherapy and insight oriented treatment might take months or years. The difference is that Sexual Coaching is client goal oriented. Coach and client quickly define what goals they hope to achieve and then a specific client program is established to reach that goal in as short a time as possible.
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